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We understand that planning for income and preservation of assets during retirement can be difficult and confusing at times.  Selecting an advisor who is trustworthy and has the right experience for planning during this unique phase of life can have a major impact on the results you achieve and the lifestyle you enjoy during retirement.  

We have developed a targeted 3-step planning process that allows you to comfortably progress through a safe and educational environment as we work closely together in designing a custom, mathematically correct solution for your specific retirement income needs.

Couple Sitting with Financial Advisor

Meeting #1 / Discovery

The 1st Session in our process is the Discovery Meeting.  During this initial consultation, our goal is to thoroughly understand all of your important concerns, needs, and objectives as it pertains to your retirement and lifestyle.

If needed, we can help you navigate, in a quick and easy format, through the various options available to you within the financial services industry as well as share with your our unique and proprietary concepts that our clients have found extremely helpful over the years. 

This enables you to have a clear understanding of what types of results you can expect from our customizable solutions - especially in contrast to other leading options in the marketplace.

Model Airplane Maker

Meeting #2 / Design

The 2nd Session is devoted to gathering and clarifying the important financial data we need from you in order to move beyond the conceptual discussion.

The goal of this second meeting is to work closely together in creating a formal portfolio draft designed to provide you with the target level of monthly income and preservation of principal throughout retirement that you have requested, as well as any other important features you with to have included in your custom plan.

Playing Foosball

Meeting #3 / Implementation

The 3rd Session is usually devoted entirely towards satisfying any final concerns or questions that a prospective client may have from a trust and credibility standpoint - whether it comes to the background check verification of our advisors or the strength and credibility of the insurance and investment companies we use to fund each portion of your newly designed portfolio.

Finally, we outline a comprehensive action-step checklist that will allow us to move forward with implementation, thereby allowing you to begin enjoying the income and benefits of your new custom  Lifetime Income Portfolio.

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